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Continuing Education

Hager's team of industry experts offer numerous AIA CES registered continuing education courses. These on-site, one-hour courses are an excellent way for architects to stay abreast of industry trends and challenges.
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Available courses include:

Access Control - 101 | 1.0 LU/HSW
This course defines the differences between access control "head-end" systems and traditional (metal cut keys) key replacement systems. We will review the different types of credentials (metal keys, card keys, fobs, etc.) as well as battery operated products vs. fully hard-wired electrified locking systems. Lastly, we will teach you the do's and don'ts for code compliance.

ADA: Meeting Accessibility Standards for Openings | 1.0 LU/HSW
This course features an overview of compliance with ADA, physical disabilities, and ANSI 117.1 Chapter 404 doors, doorways, and gates. We will also discuss approach dimension compliances.

Architectural Door Hardware 101 | 1.0 LU/HSW
This course will describe hardware nomenclature, correct sequencing, specifying hardware, and code compliance.

Architectural Hinges 101 | 1.0 LU/HSW
This course is an excellent overview of door hanging methods and how to properly select the correct hinge, in size, weight, base material, etc. to ensure the proper selection  for all applications, including oversized heavy doors as well as corrosive environments and fire door applications.

Basic Electrified Door Hardware | 1.0 LU/HSW
This course features an overview of all components needed to complete a circuit, functions of electrified door hardware and operation narratives. 

Codes and Common Door Hardware Errors  |  1.5 LU/HSW
This course features an overview of common errors made during design phase. From there, we will become familiar with NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, NFPA 80 Fire Doors and Other Opening Hardware and ANSI 117.1 ADA, Accessible & Usable Buildings & Facilities. 

Door Hardware Submittals  |  1.0 LU/HSW
Both users and components of the hardware submittal are discussed in this course, as well as what to look for in product data sheets. Learn to determine if openings meet all codes, as well as confirm design, function and quality as specified.   

To schedule a course, please contact Brian Clarke at bclarke@hagerco.com.

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